Portland Christian Schools Preschool - Grade 12

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Hosted by the Elementary School Parent Committee, the annual Jog-A-Thon is the main fundraising event for the PCS Elementary Campus. For 20 years, funds raised from this event have been used to purchase much-needed items for the school and have helped fund building projects. The children have always been very much involved in this fundraiser and this year is no different! Students from preschool through 5th grade collected pledges from their friends and families in support of laps jogged. Each student runs in the Jog-a-Thon with their class, laps are tallied, and certificates are awarded. Students then collect the pledged donations they earned by running their laps. The students gain a sense of belonging within the school community by helping their own school and also learn about a healthy activity for life! School parents and grandparents who volunteer to help with this event also had an opportunity to make new friends while cheering on their students.