Portland Christian Schools Preschool - Grade 12

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Teacher Feature: Karen Curtis

Mrs. Curtis with student


Why did you choose to work at Portland Christian?

For over 12 years as I drove past PC Elementary campus on my way taking my own 3 children to zero period at David Douglas High School, I prayed, “Someday I want to teach there, Lord.” After teaching for 39 years in the public schools it was time to make a change, and what a nice change it has been!

What do you enjoy most about teaching at Portland Christian?

Getting to speak the name of Jesus in my classroom is such a joy! Being able to be my authentic self at my work is a huge relief. Last, but not least, the students!

Why did you choose your specific area of teaching?

5th grade is my "sweet spot"! Old enough to get my sarcasm, but young enough to be silly and have fun!

What’s the best thing about being a teacher and working with students?

Everyday is different, and I enjoy the challenge of meeting the various needs of my students. I also enjoy the great questions they ask and the deep discussions we have. I love cheering my students on in their sporting events and becoming part of their lives.

What is your favorite part of the school day?

My two favorite times are when everyone is working so very hard on a task, and during Bible when we are digging into God's Word and listening to my students pray for one another.

How have you experienced God at PCS?

Last spring when I fell and broke my knee, what a humbling experience knowing an entire school was praying for me. Having students come up to me daily asking how I was with such sweet sincerity is such a God experience. Getting to be a part of the Mom's in Prayer group was also a much needed experience to help me get through a sad time.

Favorite scripture verse?

Isaiah 54:10: "For the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord who has compassion on you." This verse was given to me by God right after my dad passes away suddenly, he was my mountain, so it was such an encouragement knowing God would never be shaken or removed from my life.

Tell us a little about your family, please!

I live with my husband of 43 years, we met at George Fox. We have 3 adult children, two sons and a daughter. One son is a Captain in the Air Force. He is a pilot flying the B-1 bomber. We are raising his two daughters, who attend PC.

What do you like to do in your free time? 

My favorite thing to do is cheering on my granddaughters' sporting events and my students' games, too! I also love snorkeling in Maui and kayaking!

What would the students be surprised to find out about you?

I've been snorkeling in Maui with sharks, the Aegean and Ionian Sea in Greece and in Puerto Rico. The world underneath the oceans shows me God's handiwork.