Portland Christian Schools Preschool - Grade 12

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Teacher Feature: Kati Hines


Mrs. Hines and Family


Tell us about your family.

I married my husband, Derek, the same summer that I was hired at PC! We have been married for 10 years! We have two little boys, which makes me a very proud boy-mom. We like to travel as a family and explore new places.


Why did you choose your specific area of teaching?

Kindergarten is a miraculous season! We get to have so much fun and learn so many things! Social skills, regulatory skills, academic skills, and independence are all things we encounter and grow in as Kindergarteners. It is a special year to be a part of.


What do you enjoy most about teaching? 

I enjoy connecting with my students, empowering them to do hard things, and watching them become incredible little learners!


The best thing about being a teacher is: 

Watching [students] confidently step into a challenge. Hearing them say, "I can do hard things". Watching them care for the people around them, seeing them love like Jesus. Experiencing them sound out their very first word.


What is your favorite part of the school day?

Our Morning Meeting, reading aloud to my students, praising the Lord with them, celebrating accomplishments together.


How have you experienced God in teaching at PCS?

My supportive teammates have been incredible mirrors of God's love. Seeing the work God does in my students through Kindergarten and the rest of their education.


Favorite Scripture verse: 

Hebrews 12:1

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."


What do you like to do in your free time? 

I love to travel, particularly to beaches! Buying artwork from the places I travel to. Collecting Fiesta Ware and Talavera pottery. Watching LOTS of soccer, US National Teams, Timbers, Thorns, and Chelsea FC. Picnics in the park. Going to the movies. Hiking. Lake Days. Reading. Hand-Lettering.